Francesca 2000 - a 572-3 DHT Amplifier

I strongly recommend to build this amplifier only if you are already skillful with HIGH Voltages...
Otherwise you'd better build something not LETHAL  if you make one mistake..

Francesca 2000 is my latest reach  in the search of a "no compromise version" of  my home amplifier. My mission is to find clearness and detail.

Although Francesca 2000  is the result of the many improvements in "Francesca 1999" under many views can be considered a *new* amplifier.

These are the main  differences vs.  old "Francesca 1999"  (see  in the Schem. section):

Here is the Schematic:


The best  discover I've recently made is the  new 6c45 Tube. This little monster si able to dissipate 8w, has insignificant noise and  900ohm Rp (!).
From the 1st  moment I saw the specs I've recognized  this will be "the new millennium tube".
I made the choice to use it in Francesca 200 to improve  the 2a3 drive, lowering once more the  Rp.
Comparing to the parallel of EC97 there is more "punch" and also the highs are more clear.
With a 5k OPT this tube can drive directly loudspeakers obtaining about 1,5W of pure sound.  I'll also try this when my pair of hedlunds will be ready.
We're also using it in Euridice with very good results.

The use of a sovtek 2a3 monoplate has improved a lot the clearness of the medium and low-medium register. Also the power of this stage has increased  a bit thanks to this version of 2a3. I've turned to fixed bias with this tube, because of the better sonic results vs. self bias.

I also decided to try 572-3. This tube has lower bass punch compared to 572-10. But I've  found that with my new 92 db Tqwt I didn't need all the power of Francesca 99.
So I decided to turn to this tube for its  very low distotortion when delivering high power (0.3% at 1w, 0.35% at 20W !!! ). This result in a very clear yet powerful sound.

I've also bypassed all the critical polarized capacitors with a 100uf poliester "FastCap" made by Digitex. This has improved a lot the medium presence and the overall sense of speedness.

All the most critical path of amplifier have been rewired using silver-teflon cables.


Before starting I reccomend you to read the advices of contained the Francesca '99 ps.
Besides the HV ps is almost the same (I've only added another LC stage)
The link is here

To give the right polarizing voltages,  the medium-voltage p.s. (i.e. the part suppliing the 2a3 and 6c45) has been redesigned.

Here is the schemantic:

As you can see I've extensily used Dc suppling for heaters.
I' reccomend you to use in the most sensible parts  ELNA starget or cerafine Caps.

That's all folks, Listen and ENJOY!

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